Monday, April 02, 2007

Monday, October 30, 2006

no regrets

This couldn't have come at a better time in my life. From this week's "Weekly Challengers", Lynn Cutts writes:

"I recently had the pleasure of talking with a woman named Eileen who had just celebrated her 100th birthday. I asked what she regretted most about her life, and she shot me a glance that made me feel as if I were six years old and had just asked a really, really stupid question.

"I don't regret anything," she said. "That's living in the past, and I already lived those days. I'm too busy living today to spend time reliving the past. There's nothing I can do to change what I did then. All I can do is learn from it and go on."

So what do you regret? How can you learn from it, and then let it go and move on with your life?"

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Smallville, Kansas

Oh schnaps!

That is all.

Friday, October 13, 2006

world's finest

So I picked up something cool today... I saw it on the shelves at the bookstore and just could not resist grabbing it. Two of my favorite heroes, in one package?? Have a look... (Click the pictures to see a larger version)

Oooh, what's this... a Collector's Set box? What's in it?

Why, none other than the Dark Knight himself! But wait, who's that with him?!

The Man of Steel... truly a great team. Oh and here's the kicker...

It comes with the complete Superman/Batman: Public Enemies graphic novel. Now that's how you do a collector's set! I know, I'm a total nerd...

But hey, a nerd that got 25% off thanks to the Educator's Discount, boo yeah!

Thursday, October 12, 2006


I discovered a new, heavenly sandwich place today. I mean, it's not really "new" but I've never tried it before so it's new to me. Not to mention the price is such a deal! $3.99 for ALL sandwiches, I think I have a new favorite eatery.

While we're on the subject of sandwiches, I also learned today via Casa Italiana that panini is actually the plural version of the noun. So, in Italy if you ordered a panini the waiter would ask, "panini? Due panini? Tre?" because if you wanted a sandwich you'd have to order a panino. Same with biscotti (singular is biscotto). For some reason when the word made it into English usage it became singular, even though it's the plural form.

Don't believe me? VoilĂ !

Monday, October 09, 2006

greatest...Batman...comic... EVAR

'Nuff said.

Pay close attention to the sound effect when Batman punches the baddie...

Monday, October 02, 2006

OMG nude statues!

Seriously? If there's one gripe I have, it's people that complain about "nude art". For some reason it just makes them seem uneducated and ignorant, especially as an art lover myself. Does the fact that it was a fifth-grader that saw a nude statue make the complaint justified? In my opinion, NO. It really peeves me how prudish our American society is sometimes, and I'd like to take this time to post a well-done comic strip by the inimitable Scott Kurtz: Click Here.

What do the rest of you think about this issue? Was it really justifiable to put a teacher with a good teaching record and 28 years experience in the classroom out of a job because a little kid complained about seeing the wee-wee on a statue? Or is this really one of those "WTF" cases?